We can print the blueprints while you wait, or same day!


Send us your blueprints by e-mail, or in person.  We are able to print various sizes for your convenience. You will get quality prints each time! If you need digital files of the prints, we can save them in PDF format, or TIFF format. We can upload them onto a CD, a flash drive, or attach them in an e-mail. For future prints, we can save the file to our server. At Max Printing, you will get quality blueprints! Give us a try!

Do you need something scanned? Do you need it scanned and sent to your e-mail? Are you going Digital?

The staff at Max Printing can scan in color any size ranging from business card size to as large as 11×17. We also have the capability of scanning any size in black and white, ranging from business card size to large bond copies (12 x 18, 24 x 36, 30 x 42, or 36 x 48).

We can also scan business and/or personal projects, from a single page to hundreds of pages. Our staff can transfer your documents from paper onto a thumb drive (USB Drive), we can e-mail them to you (depending on the size of the files being scanned), or we burn them to CD-R disk for you. We can scan in either PDF or TIFF Formats. Let us transform your documents from paper to digital!